Monday, October 27, 2008

two sides of the story

why do people become defensive when a misjudged opinion is made about you?
is it because of the truth of the opinion is not a truth at all?
or the denial of the truth that is made about you?

why do people seem to sound to you as if they know everything?
is it because of their attitude?
or is it a fact that they see things in you that you didn't see at all?

why do we judge people?
is it because of the social influence around us?
or our need to judge to compare them with ourselves?

why do people have arrogance?
is it because of their need to prove something?
or it's just a form of self-defense?

why do people stick in relationships eventhough they are being eaten inside out?
is it out of love?
or out of responsibility?

we have many problems but one solution.
yet, we have one problem but many solutions.

humans are a myraid of personalities and solutions. yet, at the darkest hour where emotions were stripped raw, we are all similar inside.

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